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Bin Khadem Graduating (321) Employees and Job Seekers Participating in Professional Diplomas

28 April, 2019

The Directorate of Human Resources at the Government of Sharjah organised, in coordination and cooperation with the University of Sharjah, a graduation ceremony for (321) participants in professional diplomas’ programmes dedicated for employees of government entities in the city of Sharjah and the Eastern Region and job seekers from the city of Sharjah.
The ceremony was attended by His Highness Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim, Member of Sharjah Executive Council, Chairman of the Directorate of Human Resources, and Dr. Hamid Majul Al Nuaimi, Director of the University of Sharjah.
HE Dr. Tariq Sultan Bin Khadim, Chairman of the Directorate of Human Resources, Member of Sharjah Executive Council, confirmed in his speech that the Directorate is always keen to implement professional diplomas for employees and job seekers in order to prepare and qualify them by providing them with the supporting skills and knowledge, as well as developing their self-abilities that contribute to the preparation of the trainees to face all the difficulties and deal with them in a distinguished and professional manner. They will also be provided with the skills and capacities that meet the needs of the labour market and the constantly changing job fields, within the Directorate’s commitment to develop human resources, making them of high quality and efficiency in their field of work.
He expressed his sincere gratitude to the University of Sharjah, represented by the Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development and all government entities that participated in the Professional Diplomas Programme, as well as all employees and job seekers participating in the programme, wishing them success in their educational and practical lives.
Dr. Hamid Majul Al Nuaimi, Director of the University of Sharjah, expressed his gratitude and appreciation, on his behalf and on behalf of the whole university and the graduates, to HH Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah and President of the University of Sharjah, may God preserve and protect him, since thanks to his direct guidance and directives, the University is steadily progressing to enhance its position among other universities, on both local and regional levels, and even on the international level. He also congratulated the graduates for their education, knowledge and expertise, calling on them to use such education in the development and growth of their jobs at the national and private institutions in order to develop the community as a whole.
For his part, Dr. Radhi Al Zubaidi, Director of the Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development, said: “We are proudly reaping today one of the fruits of the strategic plan for training employees and job seekers at the Government of Sharjah, which was designed and blessed by HH Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah and President of the University of Sharjah, may God preserve and protect him”. He congratulated the graduates and urged them to develop themselves by assuming the responsibilities of such national duty, which is commensurate with the modern and civilised development of this beloved country. He concluded his speech by wishing success to everyone on his behalf and on behalf of the Directorate of Human Resources.
157 male and female employees of the Government of Sharjah graduated from the Directorate with 7 basic diplomas in Sharjah and the Eastern Region, as follows: Professional Diploma in Artificial Intelligence, Professional Diploma in Customer Satisfaction, Professional Diploma in Inspection, Professional Diploma in Customs Inspection, Professional Diploma in Customer Service, Professional Diploma in Human Resources Management and Professional Diploma in Government Leadership.
The number of graduates, job seekers from the city of Sharjah, amounted to 164 who graduated with 8 professional diplomas that contributed to the development of their skills and provided them with expertise and knowledge to increase their productivity. The diplomas included: Professional Diploma in Advanced IT, Professional Diploma - Nurseries Supervisor, Professional Diploma in Banking Services, Professional Diploma in Legal and Administrative Affairs, Professional Diploma in Human Resources Management, Professional Diploma in Tourism Guidance and Professional Diploma in Social Work (Groups 1 and 2).
Furthermore, the Directorate of Human Resources implemented professional diplomas for all educational levels and of various specialties for holders of university degrees, in cooperation and coordination with the University of Sharjah, considered as an educational and cultural hub and one of the prestigious universities globally, in order to qualify and train the necessary competencies that are able to cope with the current and future challenges under the sustained development, and that by applying integrated professional diplomas that would contribute to the comprehensive development of all job seekers.
The ceremony was attended, from the University of Sharjah, by Dr. Radhi Al Zubaidi, Director of the Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development, Dr. Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Co-Director of the Programme for Clean Water and Energy at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - USA and member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Sharjah, Dr. Muammar Ali Baltib, Vice-Chancellor for Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, Dr. Qutayba Hamid, Vice Chancellor for Medical Faculties and Health Sciences and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Salah Taher Al Haj, Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs, Dr. Majid Al-Jarwan, Vice Chancellor for Public Relations, Mr. William Matt Easdown, Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Radhi Al Zubaidi, Director of the Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development, and from the Directorate of Human Resources, Mr. Abdullah Ibrahim Al Zaabi, Director of Branches Affairs at the Directorate of Human Resources and Seif Duaifes Al Muhairi, Director of the Executive Office at the Directorate of Human Resources.